We are all co-captains of the good ship Earth
the condition in which she arrives in decades to come
wherever that might be
will be the direct result of all the decisions we all take now
day by day
Our population grows
7 billion now
10 billion in 2050
water will need to be found for an extra
3 billion people in 34 years time
– 15% more than China & India today
Our water hungry middle class grows
doubling every 15 years
1.4b in 2000
2.5b in 2015
5b in 2030?
The modern lifestyle is itself water hungry
growing beef taking 16 times as much water
asgrowing corn
the generation of power uses water
4 litres of water are taken to make each litre of fuel
fracking takes 24 million litres a well
Climate change is drying our lakes and rivers
and making our bores saltier
runoff from industry & farms pollutes the water tables
30% of London’s water leaks away
25% of Chicago’s
Climate change is of course important
But just 34 years to find the water
for another new India/China
puts the Water crisis ahead
Will a combined
world renewables powered water war
beat both climate change & the water crisis?