Category Archives: Blog

18 Signs That Show We’ve Reached the Tipping Point

  1. Extremes
  2. Attempts at Climate Reform
  3. Increasing Wildfires Across Western North America
  4. The Amazon Continues to Emit More Carbon Than it Absorbs
  5. A Large Increase in Methane Emissions
  6. Global Warming Psychology
  7. NOAA Ice-Sheet Collapse Warning
  8. Antarctic Ice Shelves Deteriorating Rapidly
  9. Ocean Heat Content Doubles in Recent Decades
  10. First Tipping Point Timeline for Collapse of the WAIS
  11. Dynamical Ice-Sheet Collapse Modeling Arrives
  12. Larsen C Ice Shelf Collapsing
  13. Alternatives and Renewable Energy
  14. Stratospheric Geoengineering With Limestone, Not Sulfates
  15. Sequestration Through Mineralization: Faster Than Previously Understood
  16. Carbon Capture Using Fuel Cells Generates More Net Energy
  17. Direct Air Capture Work Continues
  18. Emissions Reductions, Trump and the Future

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The devil and the deep blue sea

Life may be tolerable

if we warm our world 1.5 degrees C

at 2 degrees that’s unlikely

To keep below 2C

will mean all that coal and oil

will need to be left in the ground

and that will cause a financial crisis

eight times bigger than the last

Financial ruin versus planet ruin

the suits versus the greenies

it’s our choice

suspect Homo sapiens is leaning towards the suits

for whatever the individuals’ reasons

will the wise one day steer us back to a happy medium?

or are we stuck

between that devil the dollar

and the gradually deepening deep blue sea?

Too Late

How can it be

that we can get a man to the moon

but WE are getting so confused

we can’t choose a best leader

Or what to do & when

about climate change

& how to address simple problems

like the lack of drinking water

Or the effect that not enough iodine

might have on the next generation

Or how perhaps to reduce

wealth disparity

to improve the well being of everyone

How can it not be?

Through change

simple change

change here

change there

change everywhere in everything

and soon or it will be too late

The world-renowned scientist

The world-renowned scientist is often asked to explain the universe’s most baffling mysteries but he was stumped in May when he was asked to explain the rise of Donald Trump.

“I can’t,” Hawking replied. “He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”

However, he added that “a more immediate danger is runaway climate change.”

He went on to say that humanity will have to move to a different planet in 1,000 years time.

I’m already finding that if one talks too much about climate change, people just ignore you – or get cross!

So my maxim now is to do not talk – & I am working on

  1. Carbon neutral vegoil car conversions
  2. Solar powered units to make fresh water from salt or dirty water
  3. Wind powered versions of 2
  4. Water boatman – 2 powered by water currents for polluted rivers
  5.  Wind powered heating
  6. Wind powered pumping of water or oil
  7. Solar powered manufacture of vegoil fuel from algae
  8. Wind powered aeration of waste
  9. Solar compressed air car conversions
  10. Solar compressed air horticultural and gardening machines
  11. The use of solar compressed air in outboards and in boats

If you would like to help a 67 year old pensioner with these – in any way, please contact me



Sir Charlie Madden Bt


Stand up for SA


South Australia is a proud state rich in possibilities, clever people, ancient and continuing
Aboriginal culture, creativity and breathtaking nature.

Nuclear waste dumps potentially threaten our environment, current and future generations
and the SA economy.

The decision to import high level nuclear waste is a forever decision. Once we make it,
there’s no going back. This is not a decision that a Government with any morals can make
for thousands of generations of future South Australians. lt would only take 0NE human
error or 0NE natural disaster over this vast timeframe to destroy what we value in South

Voluntarily importing tens of thousands of tonnes of highly toxic nuclear waste is
something thatnoothercountryhaseverdone.YettheSAgovernmentisproposingto
import no less than 138,000 tonnes of high’level nuclear waste – one’third of the world’s
The economics don’t stack up – if money could be made from international nuclear waste
dumps, other countries would already be doing it. Very few sustainable jobs would result.
No one can guarantee that a nuclear waste dump will be safe; and there is no consent for
these dumps from Traditional 0wners.

Surely we can do better.

As for storing Australia’s own nuclear waste – our iconic Flinders Ranges is not the answel,
especially as the proposal is iiercely opposed by Adnyamathanha Traditional 0wners.
0n the 15th of October, the 63rd anniversary o{the Emu Field atomic bomb tests, take a
stand and join us at Parliament House to say “N0!” to nuclear waste dumps in SA.

lluclear waste dumps in South Australia simply aren’t worth the RISKS.

Spread the wotd and come along with your family, friends, organisation and community
group to stand up for SA.

Will you join us at Parliament House, North Terace, 11 AM, October 1 5th?
#dontdumponi #sa2good2waite

Fresh water from renewables

Fresh water from renewables

SunDew – low temperature thermal desalination powered by the sun & gravity [current]
TideWater – RO seawater desal powered by the weight of partially filled buoy
WindWater – low temperature thermal desalination powered by the wind
Water boatman – low temperture thermal desalination powered by water currents + the wind.

DeCarbon – stop the world’s temperatures rising
– They rose as much in the last 2 months as the last 30 years – >


Solar compressed air engine – outboard engines for boats             air
Solar compressed air engine – for moped bicycles             air
Solar compressed air engine – car > Compressed Air Car conversions blog             air
Solar compressed air powered winches & outboard – Wandering maid
[Solar electric car – done MIEV]             electric
Solar algae biofuel generation – SolOil             biofuel
Wind algae biofuel generation – WindOil             biofuel
WindHeater – wind powered water heating
Wind powered aeration of waste water – WindAir
WindPump – wind powered pumping of oil or water – SA water’s biggest carbon cost is from pumping with electricity
[Waste oil car conversion Mercedes done] – > Frying Oil car conversions on blog biofuel
[ 8.5* Straw bale house + 5 kw solar done ] – > Eco house on blog
> 10 kw ?
> battery back-up ?
> slab heating as energy store?

Sir Charlie Madden Bt
If you know of anyone/company who might like to join me in this work, please ask them to contact me.
regards Charlie

Nuclear waste in SA

3 Seaview Rd
Lynton SA 5062
Skype: charlie.madden

Dear Premier Weatherill
Nuclear waste in SA

While the Kevin Scarce’s Royal Commission report does briefly put some numbers to the risks of accidents and terrorist attacks on nuclear waste while it is being transported on ships, and shows it later being transferred by road and rail – NO numbers are put to the risks of accidents there.
Scott Ludlam’s ‘Let the facts speak’ highlights the 12 major failures that have happened in nuclear reactors, there have been hundreds more. Chernobyl ‘a safety test went wrong’. Windscale ‘The reactor being operated beyond its design limits’. Chelyabinsk ‘Failure to repair a cooling system’ etc etc.
A litany of failures, part human and part terrorist induced.
I am a Mechanical Engineer and suggest that with the volume of nuclear waste & time span being suggested for South Australia to accept the world’s nuclear waste, the chance of a series of accidents happening transporting the waste within SA is a certainty.
We have been made very aware of the damage done by dozens of accidents in the oil industry – from the Gulf ‘spill’ to the Torrey Canyon. Each terrible but in time dealt with by detergents and the work of mother nature herself.
Nuclear waste does not offer us those options – it is effectively permanent. Any accident here will poison that part of SA for thousands of years. Any nuclear accident will torpedo our tourist industy.
The Ghan & the Indian Pacific both run through Port Augusta. An accident anywhere near will scupper those lines.
The accounting in Scarce’s report is highly questionable and a real risk exists of the waste being taken at a loss. No company can say what its product price will be in a few month’s time – let alone hundreds of years.
To even consider SA taking nuclear waste is complete madness. Leave it where it is & let its generators deal with it as best they can – the Russians for a start will take theirs straight to Chernobyl rather than pay SA a fortune to take theirs. European countries like Finland are taking responsibility for their own waste, poor Asian countries wouldn’t pay those huge prices that are suggested.
Do not accept Nuclear waste into SA.
Yours sincerely

Sir Charles Madden Bt

Carbon & meat


The amount of carbon frozen – inert – in the tundra round the north pole is 4.6

times more than all the carbon man has released since James Watt invented

the steam engine in Scotland in 1765. That tundra is beginning to melt due to


If it all melts we are headed for species extinction – including our own, see

‘Sleeping Giant in the Arctic’ on U TUBE.

We must stop the burning and cut back on our livestock – each equally

responsible for the current temperature rise in our world. > fish & vegetables.

Together we can still avert this.