There are murmurs at the horizon of air cars.
James Dyson made his Pursuit air motorbike around a Scuba cylinder – 100 km range, 140 k.p.h speed
Ford are mooting their Model T2 which will run on compressed air.
And Peugeot Citroen first-ever hybrid gasoline-air vehicle – 2L/100km.
The SA car population is riddled with perfectly good old V8s. These could be converted to compressed air two strokes & use a solar powered compressor with an array of CSIRO’s flexible solar panels stuck to the bonnet, roof & boot – so they can be recharging their cylinders – for free – when parked.
That range of 100 km could be matched by filling up the boot with old Scuba cylinders – or new carbon ones if they can be afforded.
To allow the owner to commute at no cost and without incurring a CO2 penalty – to the melody of a V16, in their faithful old nail.