Fresh Water

“Australia as a modern country, has survived 223 years thanks to pioneering spirit and a bit of luck when it comes to climate patterns. But if we want to make it to 2000 years, its going to take more than just building bigger dams.” – Anthony For


“Drops to drink. Less than 3% of the earths water is fresh water, while about half of that is locked up in glacial ice.”

“Increasing Urbanisation. In the next 50 years or so, we’re looking at over 1000 gigalitres of extra water required in our cities. Its like building a whole new Sydney, whole new Melbourne, whole new Adelaide: there’s going to be very strong increase in demand, and all the easy supply options have gone” Ian Prosser

“The amount of energy used by a desalination plant is the same amount of energy as it takes to fly an A380 to London”

“On a household basis, the amount of energy used to provide desalinated water to a household is the same amount of energy that that family uses running its plasma television for 40 minutes.” Andrew Speer’s

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