Monthly Archives: March 2017

Vegoil Vote

Portrush road on a hot day

trailer of restaurant used oil drums

and a sign on the back window saying

‘Carbon neutral on used frying oil’

The pilot of a ute in the next door lane shouts

‘Sir! that smells amazing, good on you’

and with a thumbs up and the broadest Australian smile

– he was off…



There’s a chink in hydrocarbon’s armour
a crack in their dam
South Australia now has a renewables pot in her budget

– remember that ‘small’ country – over there

– now with a GNP vying with that of Russia

– which gets enough sun-shine in two hours

– to power the rest of the world for a week

Well if that budget can be a home for a state battery one day
then it might just be behind the solar surge another

For carbon in the air continues to rise
and behind that comes temperature rise
– as night follows day

So that pot might just be our state safety belt
against the things that follow temperature rise
as night follows day


The Change

A change is happening
and it needs to soon
if we are to keep our planet
fit to live on

China with her communist muscle & control
is charging on with her solar & wind renewables
G in 2015, y now
z times in A shrt years

While the laws of Commerce
in the rest of the rest of the world
have their teeth and claws
in the thighs of the hydrocarbons
S in 2025 f now with the graph streaking up

So Communism and Commerce are linking arms
to combat the threat

Will their combined power be enough
to limit world temperature
enough and in time?
Or will the inherent delay in the sky
mean that the ugly giant climate change
will win the day?


Writers Week
should it not be Weak Writers?
audible murmurs were heard from the Audience
whenever renewables were mentioned
– but were not responded to

Should we not be shouting our dismay
As the skippers of our countries
Not only don’t see the iceberg
But deny it exists
And steam straight for it

We will strike soon unless things change
Some say in 50 years
Some 20
I say from the NASA data so far
Four & a half years

Then what?
At 1.5C, much will be the same as now
With more storms and weather events

And 2C?
Flooding around the world
Whole cities sunk
And the wheat crop torpedoed

Not the right way to tackle the world obesity problem.