Monthly Archives: January 2017

Head for the hills

Head for the hills

we have ‘Runaway’

sell that beachfront house

if you live in-land

lag that house

Each of the last five years has been hotter

last year by .94C

burn what you like – solar, vegoil – wood!

but best leave hydro carbons in the ground

mother nature

clearly can’t take much more being burnt


18 Signs That Show We’ve Reached the Tipping Point

  1. Extremes
  2. Attempts at Climate Reform
  3. Increasing Wildfires Across Western North America
  4. The Amazon Continues to Emit More Carbon Than it Absorbs
  5. A Large Increase in Methane Emissions
  6. Global Warming Psychology
  7. NOAA Ice-Sheet Collapse Warning
  8. Antarctic Ice Shelves Deteriorating Rapidly
  9. Ocean Heat Content Doubles in Recent Decades
  10. First Tipping Point Timeline for Collapse of the WAIS
  11. Dynamical Ice-Sheet Collapse Modeling Arrives
  12. Larsen C Ice Shelf Collapsing
  13. Alternatives and Renewable Energy
  14. Stratospheric Geoengineering With Limestone, Not Sulfates
  15. Sequestration Through Mineralization: Faster Than Previously Understood
  16. Carbon Capture Using Fuel Cells Generates More Net Energy
  17. Direct Air Capture Work Continues
  18. Emissions Reductions, Trump and the Future

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The devil and the deep blue sea

Life may be tolerable

if we warm our world 1.5 degrees C

at 2 degrees that’s unlikely

To keep below 2C

will mean all that coal and oil

will need to be left in the ground

and that will cause a financial crisis

eight times bigger than the last

Financial ruin versus planet ruin

the suits versus the greenies

it’s our choice

suspect Homo sapiens is leaning towards the suits

for whatever the individuals’ reasons

will the wise one day steer us back to a happy medium?

or are we stuck

between that devil the dollar

and the gradually deepening deep blue sea?