Monthly Archives: November 2016

The world-renowned scientist

The world-renowned scientist is often asked to explain the universe’s most baffling mysteries but he was stumped in May when he was asked to explain the rise of Donald Trump.

“I can’t,” Hawking replied. “He is a demagogue, who seems to appeal to the lowest common denominator.”

However, he added that “a more immediate danger is runaway climate change.”

He went on to say that humanity will have to move to a different planet in 1,000 years time.

I’m already finding that if one talks too much about climate change, people just ignore you – or get cross!

So my maxim now is to do not talk – & I am working on

  1. Carbon neutral vegoil car conversions
  2. Solar powered units to make fresh water from salt or dirty water
  3. Wind powered versions of 2
  4. Water boatman – 2 powered by water currents for polluted rivers
  5.  Wind powered heating
  6. Wind powered pumping of water or oil
  7. Solar powered manufacture of vegoil fuel from algae
  8. Wind powered aeration of waste
  9. Solar compressed air car conversions
  10. Solar compressed air horticultural and gardening machines
  11. The use of solar compressed air in outboards and in boats

If you would like to help a 67 year old pensioner with these – in any way, please contact me



Sir Charlie Madden Bt