Monthly Archives: May 2015

Too many coincidences

Is it just a coincidence?
that we are here

Our mother was born with about 300 eggs
which could become nothing
a sister
a brother
– or us

A Dad makes about 525 billion sperm during his life
so the chance of us being here is 0.003 X 1.9 x 10^-12
about 15.7 x 10^-15…
– or one chance in many thousands of worlds like ours
except few mums have even a dozen children…

– are we a coincidence or design?

Our blue planet spins at a radius from the sun
closer we would be dry & fried
further away frozen

coincidence or design?

When Voyager reached the edge of the Milky way
and they turned her cameras on us
we were the ONLY blue body to be seen
because of our seas

And we are 2/3rds water
our brains 85%

– coincidence or design?

There may well be others out there like us
but our sun is 9 minutes away at light speed
and the next star 4.3 light years at the same speed
the mean distance between stars
in our milky way is 2000 light years

Our own galaxy of billions of suns
is mooted to be one of perhaps billions of galaxies

All those coincidences & billions divided together
gives a microscopically small number
the chance that we should exist at all

Yet who can ignore the chuckle of an old man
the welcome of a puppy
when it’s owner gets home
the flight of a swallow from Scotland to South America
the humming bird flying backwards
and any number of extraordinary things in nature

To balance that extraordinary small number
that we should exist at all
against the facts that that old man chuckled
or that puppies warmth
must mean that the question
coincidence or design?
must be answered with the response
and therefore the existence of a chief designer
who some call God

And given that our lives are SO rare & hence valuable
we are obliged to look after them
& our bodies
and help any other equally rare
and valuable life we come across
with whatever wits & skills
He gave us.