Monthly Archives: October 2014

This Decade

There’s a noise

above the bees & the birds

and beyond the traffic in the distance

And a movement in those stationary trees

It seems the calm we sense is false

the balance of life

merely the result of equal tensions

–       balancing each other

like the stationary middle of the rope

in a Tug-of War

For emissions are still rising in the US & here

and the growing numbers in China & India

seeking the western lifestyle

will demand it

by market forces or force itself

& they are nuclear armed

And kindness is not the norm in Chinese thinking

is there a Hindu ‘Good Samaritan’?

And the hope that humanity

will share this round blue jewel equally

is not likely

it never has in the past

But does the future have to be Apocalyptic

will the combined Sino/Indian mind

have a self preserving foresight

the gluttonous western mind has yet to show

Will wisdom finally appear

like a modern Boadicea
and put her arms around us

as a mother might

as she scolds naughty children

before packing them off on the right path

when they are lost?

But she only has 10 years

at this rate

for her both to appear

and her actions to have taken effect.

or that apocalyptic view of the future

might be right.

Home – Its Worth Watching

We are tightening ‘our’ climate belt as much as we can and being involved with the Greens party and having and 8.5* house & Margi’s electric car… but its not enough is it?!

“If its just 10 years we have to change the world to solar ( & wind & water currents & geothermal ) – then at least we know what to do. From insulating our houses to electric cars – Kangaroo rather than beef etc etc.
If we all pull our individual weight – it will happen.

Watch the below to get a measure of the problem: Click here