Monthly Archives: August 2014

Enough Clathrates slumber inert in the tundra

 Enough Clathrates slumber inert in the tundra

to make our world unliveable

if they should melt

and release their Methane

The IMF has reported to the world

just how much tax

must be put on each hydrocarbon

and where

to keep the North Pole white

 “Getting Energy Prices Right: From Principle to Practice

while still allowing our economies to grow

While under sunny skies the world plays on

football chanpionships

even the great USO!

Some in Syria & Gaza fight each other

but not over Clathrates

water & land maybe

While circles have appeared

200 metres across in Siberia

molten tundra – emitting methane

the Clathrane pox?!

Can’t our leaders read too

are they asleep

stroking their supers

and grinning at the cameras?