Monthly Archives: March 2014


Its warming

andpatterns of soot are visible to the naked eye

on the surface of the snow in Greenland

Both are working to melt the ice fast

and fill the bays now

with ice bergs large and small

from the rapidly shrinking Glaciers

Ice that took millions of  years to build up

will be gone in a lifetime

the fresh water added to the sea

will destroy the gulf stream

Europe will become colder

sea level will rise and the world be changed



Use the wind the waves & sun to power us

make fresh water from the sea

and from the polluted rivers

heat those cold houses

with the wind & the sun

and adopt electric cars & vans

with a rush

Give the planet a chance to recover

and her species time

to get back to normal

Are we next?

The dinosaurs came
and with their massive variations
covered the earth
then disappeared through climate change
caused by a meteor
tho they morphed with feathers into our birds
all with their circular breathing
flying so high & fast & far
and the hummingbirds backwards & upside down
and some sea birds swimming so deep

The Cro-Magnons appeared and lived away
then disappeared in Spain
though 2% of our genes are theirs

Is it our turn now?
to have appeared just a few thousand years ago
just a blink in time compared to the others
& successfully swarmed over almost all the planet
will small groups survive us
gently living off the land on remote islands
away from the radioactive air & water streams

Dinosaurs – Cro-Magnons – us
are we next?
or can we contain human nature & corporate greed
preserve this perfect climate & place
and survive & thrive for thousands of years more?

How small we are

The nearest star to the sun

is 4.2 light years away

and light doesn’t hang about


The AVERAGE distance between two stars up there

so clear and sparkling to the eye in the night sky

is over 4,000 light years



but mighty effective we are it seems

at wrecking our own unique coloured ball

lets stop now

we know what to do

and what not.

Water boatman – fresh water from polluted

Water boatman – fresh water from polluted


  • rivers powered by a water turbine
    beneath the moored barge, driven by the water current.
    Joint venture partners are sought. water


lFresh water from the sea or polluted water. Powered by the sun, the wind &/or water currents.
lThermal still –

– no filter

– no chemicals


Click here to download full report(pdf).

The Angel of Hope (Christine Lagarde)

Christine En Garde!

how apt a name is that?!

handsome as a house

and with a mind flowing like mercury

hopping from history

to years out yonder

like a spring lamb leaps

from tussock to tussock.

To not only dare speak the phrase environmental degradation in public

but to then to highlight our changing Demographics

and then Climate Change as just obstacles

Which of course they are

mere mounds to a species that has climbed Everest

and made machines to ride to the moon

and home

The foresight to see that that tipping point will soon be upon us

but that as a species

‘It is not too late to turn’

& to embark on that gigantic project

with its multitude of moving parts

pricing things right so that people pay for the damage they cause

& putting that money where it can fund the right future

and ridding ourselves soon of that strange current addiction

of funding those hugely that pollute now


 if she was able to catch Abbott’s ear

at the G20 summit

and clearly impressed him

–       there IS still hope for us all.