Monthly Archives: August 2013



There are murmurs at the horizon of air cars.

James Dyson made his Pursuit air motorbike around a Scuba cylinder – 100 km range, 140 k.p.h speed

Ford are mooting their Model T2 which will run on compressed air.

And Peugeot Citroen first-ever hybrid gasoline-air vehicle – 2L/100km.




The SA car population is riddled with perfectly good old V8s. These could be converted to compressed air two strokes & use a solar powered compressor with an array of CSIRO’s flexible solar panels stuck to the bonnet, roof & boot – so they can be recharging their cylinders – for free – when parked.

That range of 100 km could be matched by filling up the boot with old Scuba cylinders – or new carbon ones if they can be afforded.

To allow the owner to commute at no cost and without incurring a CO2 penalty  – to the melody of a V16, in their faithful old nail.


Glaciers the Canary in the mine?

Chasing Ice

If all but 4 glaciers are receding

one a mile a year

one whose surface has dropped the height of the Empire state building

In the few short years it was filmed

Many, many are already gone

–        just 4 of the hundreds that exist

are growing


Water wars are threatened in just 7 to 15 years

a population equivalent to half that of the United States

will be moved by the rising sea

What hope is left

with indifference everywhere

In the path of such impending demand?


The lot & now

If the carbon in the sky is to have gone up 40% in 37 years time

–        we are not sure exactly by how much

but not down

then the number of children killed by drinking dirty water

will have grown from 9,000 a day now around the world

–        we are not sure by how much

but not less

whole districts will be drowned

many people will migrate

–        we are not sure how many

but many millions, maybe billions

& all because WE didn’t have the balls now to scrap our brown coal power stations

and put in solar thermal instead

adopt electric & solair cars, busses & lorries

–        & where they didn’t exist

make them

dump the old houses

and replace them with well engineered draughtproof hyper insulated ones

–        and we ARE sure how many & when

 – the lot & now

for climate change is gaining speed  – changing faster