Monthly Archives: May 2013

Rotor accelerating in gusts


The carbon fibre rotor has a low inertia allowing it to speed up & down, following the wind speed and garnering the maximum amount of power from the sky.

The churn is a Joule heater in polycarbonate, impervious to warm brine. It has a cubic characteristic like the wind turbine, so once matched mirrors it. It has a nil power draw at start-up to allow the turbine to catch the gust.

As the design speed is approached, centrifugal actuators dump the lift / drive.

Patent 201110222 ‘Water boatman’ was awarded on 12/8/11 .


‘Water boatman is a unit to make fresh water from sea water or dirty rivers – powered by the current.

A barge is tied in the sea/river & has under it a vertical axis water turbine. This drives a shaft up into the barge which drives a water brake which heats the water. The hot water – all in a box of foot thick expanded polystyrene or similar, gives off vapour. This fills the box at the top of which is a condenser.’

This is now of PVC tube, through which cold brine flows to condense the vapour which runs down to a drip tray and out. On exit it is warm so up the middle of the exit pipe runs a smaller one carrying cold brine to the sump. It is heated by the hot distillate leaving and is so preheated – the distillate leaves cold.

Silmilarly hyper saline very dirty water leaves continuously through a similar tube:in:tube heat exchanger – leaving cold and keeping all heat in the insulated still.

Fresh water is stored in Water boatmman’s hull to await collection – or pumped ashore by a pump driven by the Wind/ Water turbines.

Both turbines work on the same shaft through a mechanism that accepts power from either end – leaving the other free=wheeling.


Unless we completely change our ways and very soon

Did He Cry?
or just turn around with a shrug of the shoulders
at another failed trial
– when they sent off YET ANOTHER Crusade
against a much better foe
faster & better equipped, miles away
and more than able to defend THEIR Jerusalem

Did He wring his hands as Irish shot Irish?
over an interpretation
of the 5th version of Jesus & his Mum
– to walk and work on our planet

Or when brave clever Pole shot down German over France.
With bullets made by someone in Birmingham,
All 4 believing in the same Him?

Or when we now go merrily about wrecking the engine daily
that He made
about His model earth
in which to work the weather
and keep her in the right conditions
for millions of His species to thrive in

And so kill them off, species by species
– & ourselves in time
through poor water, starvation, heat-waves & cold.

I doubt it, He’ll be trying again elsewhere.
He & Nature will survive us again

The dust and weeds that archaeologists now €carefully scrape away
from the remains of the Druids, Greeks, Mayans & Aztecs
will in time cover Australia too

– Unless we completely change our ways and very soon
and In unison with the rest of civilisation.