Monthly Archives: April 2013

Global Climate Leadership Review 2013

I encourage you to read the Global Climate Leadership Review 2013 & to listen to Lord Stern’s introduction.

He states that “It is highly probable our climate will warm to +3, +4 or +5C in the next 100 years – if we carry on as we are.

Plus that when the world was last at +3C – 3M years ago, the sea was 20m higher.”

And that would submerge most of the world’s capital cities + make 100s of million – perhaps billions to move to higher ground.

Already many in the Solomons – where most live on the coast are having to move to higher ground inland. And some 20m people a year in Bangladesh are also having to move – that’s equal to the population of Australia moving every year.

Lord Stern stresses that this is not inevitable – if we reduce our emissions to ~ 0 over the next 40 to 50 years, and “We can do it”.

For its small part, WindWays is working on:


BlueSkyWater with the StrawBaleStill, fresh water from saltwater or polluted water – & the Sun
WindWater – as above powered by the Wind
Water boatman – as above powered by the Sun, the Wind & Water Currents

WindHeater – wind powered heating
WindAir – wind powered aeration of waste water
WindPump – wind powered pumping of water & oil
WindOil – biodiesel from algae + the wind
SunOil – biodiesel from algae + the sun