Monthly Archives: February 2013

Greenpeace – Point of No Return

“In 2020, the emissions from the 14 projects showcased in this report – if they were all to go ahead, as they are now planned to do – will raise global CO2 emissions from fossil fuels by 20% and keep the world on a path towards 5°C to 6°C of warming.”

“The world is quickly reaching a Point of No Return for preventing the worst impacts of climate change. Continuing on the current course will make it difficult, if not impossible, to prevent the widespread and catastrophic impacts of climate change. The costs will be substantial: billions spent to deal with the destruction of extreme weather events, untold human suffering, and the deaths of tens of millions from the impacts by as soon as 2030.”

“The 14 dirty energy projects in this report range from massive expansion of coal mining in China, to large-scale
expansion of coal exports from Australia, the US and Indonesia, to the development of risky unconventional
sources of oil in the tar sands of Canada, in the Arctic, in the ocean off the coast of Brazil, in Iraq, in the Gulf of
Mexico and in Kazakhstan, and to gas production in Africa and the Caspian Sea. They are the biggest dirty energy
projects planned in the coming decades.”

Australia continues to punch above her weight – 12% of the CO2 emissions quoted here – from 0.4% of the world’s population.

I urge you to read this report now, from cover to cover – and ask ALL your MP’s to do the same.

The solutions are there and must be adopted now.