Monthly Archives: December 2012

Dear Ms Gillard & Mr Abbott

P 0433 565 039

79 Birksgate



SA 5064



Dear Ms Gillard & Mr Abbott

We must decarbon – & soon. The time has come to find where you both agree – & join forces to combat this very real and dangerous enemy. You are both Australians
– a country that is the envy of the world for her share of renewables.

And citizens of the world – & we only have one – with a very thin atmosphere, which we are changing fast.

There would be huge relief to all of us to see you talking as one on this, from the same hymn sheet.

The Indo – Bangladeshi barrier, 2.5m high 3,406km long. Bangladesh is completely surrounded by India, apart from the sea.

150 million people, 30 million of whom will be swamped by sea level rise within 38 years – forced to move, but where to? 11% of her land will have become swamped.

A population 2/3 rds that of Adelaide, every year, forced to pack-up and go north – kids & all. The Solomon Islanders are in a similar position.

This is our fault – well plus some others, certainly not the Bangladeshis. Directly caused by our emissions – & it will get worse, much worse.

Climate change is real, Sandy will become a normal storm, Florida will be threatened with flooding.

It is time to be Australian. Don’t bugger about – get in there & fix it, and take Canada & the US by the nose – spin them round and get them to follow. Australia has a
history of punching above her weight – do so now.

Australia gets enough power from the sun in 2 hours to power the rest of the world for a week.

Move to cars with a fuel consumption of 5L/100, solar panels on each house, Solar Thermal power stations – this is all established technology now. We must move
while there is still a chance – we don’t have long. It might prevent you balancing the budget for a while – who else is? – but medium term the country – & the world – will


Best regards & Happy Christmas


Sir Charlie Madden Bt BSc MTech MBA