Monthly Archives: October 2012


Nine thousand children everyday worldwide
84% of 3.9M people dying every year
– from drinking dirty water
each a gem
each through no fault of their own
A massacre ignored under our very noses
each and every day
set to g

et worse with climate changeWhile there are enough arms
to arm each 7th person on the planet

Nuclear power plants built at Nation’s worth of cost
– and no regard to the disposal of their waste

Billion dollar desal plants built in Adelaide – & then mothballed
− because there is plenty of water

Fortunes spent on fashions
fake tans and looks
fast cars & stuff
to be replaced within weeks or months
with more stuff

Newton & Einstein weren’t famous for their looks
fancy a Puritan wearing red socks to Church…
– a colour-blind Genius Puritan
Einstein’s haircut – the Patent agent look?

Where would we be now without what they DID
irrespective of how they looked?

still not a penny for those poor children
− too expensive
− too hard
− we need new submarines…

Each poor young soul
collapsing after a week’s struggle against their unseen enemy

e xhausted – but they couldn’t sleep
parched – but drinking merely made them sick

till finally, after a week racing faster & faster
their wee hearts

just stop

because we didn’t try harder

did we try at all?